You can download all the input files and scripts required to run this tutorial as a.Pymol (or another visualization tool for ligand protonation.Python 3.x (libraries: numpy.py matplotlib, pylab, seaborn, scipy, ParmEd).GROMACS-RAMD 1.0 v11 can be downloaded from: GIT repository.Amber 14 tools and Sander for MD simulations.Specifically, several equilibration trajectories provide starting points for simulation of RAMD dissociation trajectories, while RAMD simulation of multiple dissociation trajectories from each starting point provides sampling of possible transition states. ΤRAMD provides an efficient simulation procedure for this purpose which is illustrated below. The residence time (\(\tau = 1 / k_\textrm \sim \exp \left(-\Delta G^\# \right)\)) and therefore depends on the characteristics of the bound (ground state - GS) as well as the transition (TS) states. Thus, simulation of the residence time requires sampling over the bound state (that defines affinity) and dissociation pathways. The application of the method to protein-ligand complexes obtained by docking or modeling the ligand binding mode by superposition is possible, but this usually requires longer equilibration times and more extensive sampling of binding poses. The use of a high resolution crystal structure of the protein-ligand complex as the starting structure usually gives the most reliable and accurate model of the bound state, which is important for accurate simulation of the bound state. Video of a lecture/tutorial, illustrating the main idea, technical aspects, and applications of the tauRAMD approach: Gromacs-RAMD version 2.0 ( ) requires a somewhat different input format, see here for example input file corresponding to the tutorial. Gromacs-RAMD version 1.1 ( ) produces output in a different format, requiring small changes to the processing script.

Gromacs-RAMD v ersion 1.0 has a issue with the OpenMP/MPI implementation (see ) the GPU implementation is not affected. Important note: This tutorial is for running calculations with Gromacs-RAMD version 1.0. Author(s): Daria Kokh, Gaurav Ganotra, Neil Bruce and Rebecca WadeĪuthor affiliations: Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS), Schloss-Wolfsbrunnenweg 35, 69118 Heidelberg, Germany